Thursday, August 26, 2010

Music as Text

Go for it.  The song that means something to you!  I will join in later.  :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our First Run: Universe in the Pause

Alright.  Just to get started, I was still thinking about the "pause" we were discussing in class on Friday and realized we only really talked of the pauses before obvious life-changing moments.  What of the pause between the more simple moments, the space between cause and effect, and how they represent so much more?  I was remembering, the other day waiting for my dermatologist to swipe away a bothersome (in more than one way) mole on my face of how--just in the split second between the moment you slice your skin with a razor and the moment in which it decides to bleed, there is a bit of a pause.   Damn it, that is going to hurt in a second.  The skin, impeccably severed and clean in shaving cream or body wash, almost as if it is taking in its breath just before the scream of red frothing into pink, beading and tracing the line down a knee, or a chin, toward cold porcelain. How strange that a cut so clean, almost numb in its splice, can bleed so profusely, so insistently, before leaving permanent scars.  Those scars will become how you know your face, the turn of your jaw, the bend of your knee, the boney line of a shin.  They cost the least pain and the most blood, didn't they?  And-we inflicted them, however carelessly and with no malintent, upon ourselves in the swift turn of a hand, a ritual of hygiene, that will forever record an unremarkable Tuesday morning on our aging skin.

And so?  What of these pauses?  What of this pause?  Does it represent anything other than the minutia of daily life?